Let me tell you a story...
I did a 4 page sample back in the late '80s-while still freshly ensconced in the professional comics biz- of the Mike Mignola Batman (from GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT) vs another of my numerous takes on Count Dracula.

The sample got me NO work-at least on Batman (curses!) - but recently-upon straightening up my studio-i found the scans i made of the 4 pages (the originals...don't know) and was reminded that i always wanted to finish them someday...

...then I was asked recently to donate a Batman drawing to a Spanish Batman Art Exhibit - very honored to be included,I tried to come up with an idea-I know...Batman vs Dracula-YEAH- it was only later that i stumbled onto the idea of finishing the opening page of these samples for the Exhibit - perfect!

I began with the original scan from the '80s and then redrew a few things on the light board - then I inked it and did a inkwash over that...

...I hope you like what I came up with below...;o)

Bats All...Vokes!
Great!Dracula is my favourite monster (and book) and your version is very similar to the original.
Il vampirologo che ride
Awesome, Also congrats for your appearance on fanboyradio! This Monsterverse stuff sounds pretty crazy to be really great!
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