Which leads us to our entry today.
When i was still in the learning stages of my drawing (actually i still AM learning ;o) i drew LOTS of stuff-mainly story related-but i also got on a literary kick for awhile.
These pieces below represent a short series i had planned of drawing each of my favorite characters in those novels i read growing up.
They aren't particularly good but i thought it might be interesting to see what my older work looked like in comparison-for those who cared...;o)
These were all done from around 1979 to '80-well before my pro career started.
They were primarily done with ball point pen in a kind of cross hatch style-well,the approximation of the style- i didn't know what to do (and not to do) yet (the irony is i now use a ball point pen in a lot of my inkline work-i guess I've come full circle)
I find the process of the learning curve fascinating (and hoped you might) so here ya go...

As you can see lettering would never be a career choice-lol

This one is supposed to be the creature from FRANKENSTEIN but i guess i never added the quotes.

Obviously my dislike of lettering (the world no doubt is grateful ;o) kept me from using quotes on this one either...

I hope you enjoyed that little side trip into literature by way of my past work...;o)
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