Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Project

Remember that entry on the new book Bob Tinnell and i are working on-i tried to be ambiguous about it-but Bob has let the bat outta the bag on

And i thought i was a big blabbermouth-lol


I've been working on this-on and off-for about 3 months-not consistently- as I've slipped several other commissions in between then and now-i was able to do that because the fella that asked for this is an understanding guy-and a friend-but i made him wait too long.

The reasons are not just the delaying of it-sometimes these things hit me from the mention of the idea-and sometimes...not so much.

It wasn't the subject-no sir-COTW is one of my favorite Hammer Films flix-and my fave werewolf flick-i have a plethora of reference as well-nope-this was just one of those pieces that makes me work a little harder-not a bad thing...;o)'s a couple prelims and the final piece-i hope you enjoy it (and i hope the guy feels it was worth the wait...;o)