As Jack Herman and i were going to establish that in our "history" the Earth was invaded by a planet of conquerers called the Talik back in the late 1800s-our homage to WAR OF THE WORLDS,I guess-it was a natural to show that Falconer was part of the revolution against the invaders-in fact a leader of freedom fighters-because i established in my Falconer back story that he was around then battling vampires and monsters.
He first appeared in a flashback to that time being told by Talik police detective Devlin in ish # 8:

Then, in ish # 12 we told the story of Eagle's origin-as this story contained how Richard Adler/Eagle received the accursed "ORB" we again found a way to incorporate Falconer into it.
After the invasion was contained the ORB,within a robot body, became Falconer's companion-the close proximity of the powerful energy prolonged his life- He meets Eagle in 1957 when he was 111 years old!

Eagle,at the time a paid assassin for the dread Red Dragon organization,had come to kill Falconer,but the old man kicked his butt- the orb-apparently-wipes the hate and darkness from him and he becomes a student-and virtually a son-of Falconer's.

They have several years of friendship during which Eagle grows as a fighter and as a man- until the day Falconer's body just gives out.

These events lead up to Eagle becoming one with the orb and the rest is history.
So i managed to take two of my favorite creations and merge them into one continuity-a Vokes universe as it were...;o)