So for those of you who are curious (and those who aren't ;o) my studio-such as it is- looking from more or less center of the room and revolving around from left to right (clik on the pix for a bigger view) ...
All it amounts to is a roomful of art, books,movie memorabilia,toys,posters,more books and -oh yeah-a few artist supplies...;o)
...bored yet?
That's All,Vokes Folks...;o)
Dude! I'm coming to your house and raiding your bookshelves (particularly the Hammer shelf) and the various piles of prelims and finished art. ;o)
Thanks for posting those. Like you, I dig seeing artists work areas.
And did you notice that humongous Bava book on the shelf next to huge THE NEW FRONTIER book?
Yes I did notice that humongous Bava book on the shelf next to the huge The New Frontier book.
It's a very nice looking book. ;o)
I just love being able to look at other peoples bookshelves. Yours are very cool.
Thanks, Peter-they're crammed tight with predominately film and art related books which i've been gathering around me some 30 (very) odd years now...;o)
I noticed the Alien Hominid stuff, did you try the Xbox Live Arcade game?
Nice post by the way, I'll hope that an earthquake never hits NJ, I wouldn't want you to be squashed by the Bava book!
Alien Hominid?
oh-damn-u have keen eyes-i was wondering what the hell u were talking about- i got those stickers years ago from somebody at a con-i never knew what they were for-lol
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